How to Help Someone With Body Image Issues

All of us have some type of body image hangup that we obsess over. It can be hard to have a positive body image outlook when we see things online or in real life that can make us look at ourselves and scrutinize how we look and feel.

Negative body thoughts are common among us all, but they don’t help anyone and can lead to more upsetting territory, such as developing an eating disorder or trying to drastically change our physical appearance.

If you notice someone close to you that has a negative body image view of themselves, and they talk extensively about how they hate how they look and want to lose weight fast, or make negative comments about how they look each time you see them, this is the time to step in and help them work through their issues in a proactive and safe manner.

Knowing someone who is struggling with body image issues can also make you reflect on your own body image and how you personally feel. Helping someone work through their issues can also make you work through yours to improve body image issues through support and care such as picking up healthy living tips and speaking to professionals.

How Do We View Body Image?

If someone has a positive body image, they are confident in their skin and feel good about the clothes they wear and how they look, whereas someone with a negative body image will feel anxious and ashamed of their bodies, making them want to hide away.

Very Common

Negative body image issues are a lot more rampant than people may think, and unfortunately, they can grow over time without the proper support. This growth may lead to disordered eating with consistent negative self talk that skews their feelings about themselves and others,

If you notice a friend or family member is suffering from this, it is time to speak up and show them that they need to challenge negative thoughts and accept their body shape for what it is and know that it is not something to be ashamed of as we are all different.

Media Focus

As we are in a very advanced technological age, social media, and TV has portrayed a lot on screen that can come across as setting a standard for idealized beauty. Men, and women, are looking at reality shows, movies, TV programs, even porn, and seeing people’s bodies that do not look like theirs, instead, they look glamorous and thin/muscular. They’d be much better off watching hentai on Cartoon Porno or some other website because at least they portray all kinds of characters with different bodies, different kinks and fetishes, and more. It’s not an ideal solution by any means, but that’s how the situation is with mainstream media, it’s giving people body image issues.

How Can I Help Someone Struggling With Body Image Issues?

Whilst it is a delicate subject and may be tough to get the conversation going, it is important to speak to the person suffering so they know that there is someone there that will support them at this time. This might be support in the form of something as delicate as taking them to therapy, or something perhaps as bold as getting them to watch live black sex shows and have them learn about body positivity that way. In some cases, seeing others be open and vulnerable on such a public platform with their bodies may just be the solution a person may need. Other than that, here are a few tips to help you approach that person and speak openly and honestly about what they are going through.

Go Directly To The Source

There is no point telling other people that you are worried about your friend and how they are acting. You need to go directly to that person and talk to them about your concerns. If you notice that they have lost a lot of weight or they are wearing baggy clothing more, then stepping in and asking them how they are doing is a good first step.

Help them find solutions

If your friend is having body image issues, there are solutions that can help. For a better understanding, an example would be helpful. Suppose you have a friend who is concerned about the state of their teeth. In this regard, you can suggest your friend visit a cosmetic dentist in aurora co (or elsewhere) who can assist them to improve the appearance of their teeth. This can boost self-esteem and confidence. In a similar fashion, you can suggest relevant and effective solutions for body image issues a person is facing.

What to Ask Them

If they are finding it hard to open up to you, you may want to ask them questions such as – “are you feeling okay about yourself?” “I’ve noticed that you are skipping meals, why?” “You have been criticizing your body size a lot recently, why is that?”

Wording it like this could be better than just blurting it out as they won’t feel a full-on attack with you saying something like “What’s wrong? You barely touch your food and you have become incredibly negative, do you have an eating disorder?” Saying something so forceful may make them clam up. Approach it calmly and with kindness.

Make Them Feel Good

Tell your friend how much you love the way they look, their style, their clothes, their make-up, their personality, the way they talk, anything that you know they put effort into or even slightly care about. It may seem small, but it is huge to them, especially if they spend their days criticizing everything about themselves.

Teach them Body Positivity

Those who perceive their appearances as less appealing, usually suffer from an inferiority complex. This can take a toll on their mental health, so much so that they may be averse to attending social gatherings for fear of being ridiculed for their looks. In time, this kind of thinking slowly consumes them from the inside, leading to their underconfidence. They can be, essentially, termed as birds afraid of flying. You, however, can be of help to such people by giving a boost to their confidence. They have the wings; they just need the push. There are so many ways to do this — you can suggest to them good reads on how individuals have broken the stereotypes of traditional beauty standards; help them find people who appreciate all forms and kinds of beauty and socialize with them; you can introduce them to adult content Tube v Sex to explore themselves underneath the layer of silk and satin so that they can grow fond of who they truly are.

Help Them With Their Eating

If they have stopped eating or seriously reduced how much they eat, you may be worried that it could cause eating disorders, which is understandable. Don’t come right out and say it as that can be very jarring and your comments on other people’s bodies aren’t going to help the situation.

You can help them with intuitive eating so they don’t label food as good or bad. Open them up to what is out there and don’t shame them for their choices. You can do it alongside them too and provide a safe space for them to let it all out.

Avoid topics that are focusing on fat talk or how to do fast weight loss. These are negative and won’t move the situation forward.

Eating disorders

If you do think that they may have an eating disorder, you need to speak to them about getting help. They more than likely will be reluctant and won’t recognize the signs as you have, but gently nudging them and supporting them to talk about it and be proactive can help.

A lot of emotions will happen at this time, they may feel like they are losing control, so you need to be the one that is able to take control when they can’t. Getting them to speak to a doctor or have therapy is a positive step forward.

Keep Supporting Them

Anyone with body image issues is going to have ups and downs, this is why it is important to always be there to support them and lend an ear when they feel like it has become too much for them. You may be struggling with body image issues yourself and need support too.

Your Words Matter

Do it together, be each other’s rock, and make those moves towards body neutrality and self compassion. It’s not easy, but your words can have an impact, so make sure those words are always supportive and kind. We all seek validation for certain things, so validate them for who they are and remind them that they matter, not for the way they look but for their substance.


Hopefully, this article has helped you decide on how to approach someone with body image issues and show them that the important aspects of life are not tied to how much you weigh or what you look like.

Focusing on well being and positive self worth is always important. The appearance we see in front of the mirror does not reflect who we truly are.

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