Exercises to Relieve Arthritic Knee Pain

One of the most common reasons why people go to the doctor is with a painful back. For many of us, the pain is caused by a sedentary lifestyle. If we aren’t active and spend the majority of our day sitting, we are putting our bodies under a lot of stress. This stress can lead to poor posture, which can cause pain.

Arthritic knee pain is felt by those who suffer from osteoarthritis of the knee. Osteoarthritis is an inflammatory joint disease where the joint cartilage wears away. The bones rub together when the cartilage wears away, leading to inflammation, pain, and stiffness.

What Is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a painful condition in which the tissue and joints of the body become inflamed, causing pain, stiffness, and joint swelling. It affects millions of people, and while there is no cure for arthritis, there is an effective treatment that can relieve pain and stiffness.

Arthritis is a condition that affects more than 50 million Americans. It occurs when joint cartilage wears down, causing pain and stiffness. This painful condition can occur in almost any joint, including the hands, feet, spine, hips, knees, and neck. Arthritis can be treated with medication, physical therapy (check out clinics similar to https://pursueptnow.com/pursue-physical-therapy-hoboken/ in your loaclity), and different types of surgery. Diagnosing it can be challenging, but there are a few signs to look out for, including pain, swelling, and stiffness in the joints, fluid buildup or swelling in the joints, and a reduced range of motion in the joints.

Exercises That Are Helpful in Reducing Arthritic Knee Pain Include:

Water aerobics.

Water aerobics is a great alternative to regular aerobics. Water aerobics, also known as aqua aerobics, is a low-impact exercise, which makes it ideal for those with arthritis, joint inflammation, and sore joints. Water aerobics can also help those with back pain, leg pain, and neck pain. It also helps to strengthen the upper body muscles while reducing the stress placed on the joints. If you’ve been living with osteoarthritis, then you know that arthritis pain can limit what you physically can and can’t do. Water aerobics can be the perfect solution if you’re experiencing this pain in your hands and knees. The water supports and cushions your joints, so there is less stress on them. The water provides resistance, so you get a good workout without putting as much stress on your hips, knees, and ankles.

Exercises that increase leg strength.

One of the best ways to prevent painful arthritic knees is to build up your leg strength. Resources suggest a variety of exercises for arthritic knee pain and beneficial exercises for strengthening and stretching the legs. If you are suffering from it, then exercise may be the last thing on your mind. Ease your pain and join other people living with arthritis who have reaped the benefits of a regular exercise plan. Your knees will thank you for walking, swimming, and cycling on a regular basis.

Walking exercises.

The knee is a complex joint, which explains why it can exacerbate arthritis symptoms. When you exercise, your knee has to make many complex and stress-inducing movements: bending, straightening, twisting, rotating, and extending. So, if you experience a lot of knee pain, it might be caused by excessive strain. To relieve arthritic knee pain, it’s important to walk and exercise in a way that reduces knee strain.


Swimming is one of the best exercises to relieve arthritic knee pain. The buoyancy of the water allows your joints to slip through the water’s resistance, which reduces pressure on your arthritic joints. The water also acts as a lubricant and shock absorber to your joints, which reduces joint stress.

Weight exercises.

Weight exercises can effectively prevent, treat, and rehabilitate knee pain caused by arthritis. A good weight exercise regimen should include some resistance, aerobic, and flexibility exercises. If you’re experiencing knee pain that is caused by arthritis, start by performing a resistance exercise such as a leg press machine or a knee extension machine. Doing it prevents and corrects improper movement patterns while strengthening the muscles.


Arthritic knee pain can be quite painful, but the good news is that there are many exercises you can try to help relieve the pain. One exercise you can do is twisting. Twisting is a gentle exercise that can be beneficial for both your arthritic knees and your back. The twisting motion can help relax the neck and back and reduce tension.

A torn ligament in your left knee can be painful and difficult to ignore. Using good knee exercise techniques can help relieve the pain over time. You can use a knee surgery brace to support your knee joint while resting. Regular exercise can help improve your range of motion and decrease knee swelling, which will help you feel better and enable you to function at a higher level.

Alternative Ways of Reducing Arthritic Knee Pain

Relieving arthritic knee pain is crucial for enhancing mobility and improving the quality of life for individuals with arthritis. While it’s essential to work closely with a healthcare professional to develop a comprehensive treatment plan, there are several alternative approaches that can provide relief and complement traditional therapies. Here are some alternative ways to alleviate arthritic knee pain:

  • Massage Therapy:
  • Massage therapy plays a vital role in managing arthritic knee pain. A skilled massage therapist can help improve joint flexibility and range of motion, making it easier for individuals with arthritis to move their joints more comfortably. Arthritis can be emotionally taxing, and massage therapy can help reduce stress and promote relaxation, which can indirectly benefit those with arthritis.

  • Low-Impact Exercises:
  • Engaging in low-impact exercises like swimming, cycling, or using an elliptical machine can help improve knee function without putting excessive strain on the joint. These activities promote cardiovascular fitness and can be gentler on arthritic knees.

  • Weight Management:
  • Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for individuals with arthritic knees. Excess weight can put additional stress on the knee joint, exacerbating pain and inflammation. Weight management can reduce the burden on the knees and improve overall joint health.

  • Heat and Cold Therapy:
  • Applying heat packs or warm towels to the affected knee can help relax muscles and reduce stiffness, while cold packs can help reduce inflammation and numb the area for temporary pain relief.

  • Acupuncture:
  • Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese practice, involves inserting thin needles into specific points in the body to stimulate energy flow and promote pain relief. Some people with arthritis find relief through acupuncture sessions.

  • Cannabis Products:
  • Cannabis, particularly its components like THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol), have shown promise in providing relief with arthritic knee pain. Both THC and CBD have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which can potentially reduce pain and inflammation associated with arthritis. You may want to consider exploring cannabis products akin to rosin, which boast significant levels of THC and CBD and can be conveniently produced at home. If this sounds like something you might be interested in, then you can Click here to learn how to make rosin from cannabis flower.

  • Herbal Supplements:
  • Certain herbal supplements like turmeric, ginger, and boswellia have anti-inflammatory properties and may help alleviate arthritis symptoms. It’s essential to consult a healthcare professional before incorporating any supplements into your routine.

  • Topical Creams and Gels:
  • Over-the-counter creams and gels containing ingredients like menthol or capsaicin can provide localized pain relief when applied to the arthritic knee.

  • Assistive Devices:
  • Using assistive devices like canes or walking sticks can help reduce pressure on the knee joint and provide support while walking.

  • Mind-Body Techniques:
  • Mind-body techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga can help manage stress, which can indirectly contribute to pain relief and better coping with arthritic knee symptoms. Its effect can be enhanced with the use of certain THC supplements as they are said to help reduce inflammation and pain. Individuals can make use of THC Moonrocks from CBDX (or similar firms) to reap the maximum benefits.

  • TENS Therapy:
  • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) therapy involves applying low-voltage electrical currents to the skin, which may help block pain signals and provide relief for some individuals with arthritic knees.

    It’s important to note that while these alternative methods can be beneficial, they should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult a healthcare provider to develop a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your specific condition and to ensure safe and effective management of arthritic knee pain.

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